Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Faustian Tale- The Mask

  A Faust tale shows a man who longs for authority, knowledge, wealth turned into an amoral or devilish creature of great ambition. To introduce the character, the protagonist always seems pitiful, poor, or beaten down. The protagonist would then make his climb toward “power.” To his joyful or ambivalent discovery, he would use it to defeat the antagonist (person or object) he met on the climb. A major change would take place, then his life would turn a-hundred degree in a good way, but soon the situation would deteriorate and turn a-hundred degree in a unhealthful way. This all happened on his way down toward normality. However, most characters in Faustian tale would succumb to the enemy; there are also ones who successfully live a better life after the boost was no longer there.  

  I chose the Mask for my topic. Stanley was a kind man who was bullied by most people who he was acquainted with. He would later discover a Mask, which was later known as Loki, “The Noose god of darkness and mischief.” Stanley became a wild creature who humorously annoyed his employers and neighbors. He gained courage to pursue the woman he loved, Tina. However, he was then involved with a gangster, Tyrell. Peggy, a news reporter, would late lied to him to have Stanley’s Mask taken off. Peggy would then exchange the mass with Tyrell for the bounty. Stanley would later incarcerated for a bank rubbery he committed when he first got the mask. On the bright side, his dog would help him break out of the prison, and Tina, who loved him equally, would seduce Tyrell and have the Mask taken off. Stanley would reclaim the Mask for the sole purpose of defeating Tyrell. After all is set and done, he threw the Mask into the ocean to enjoy the new life he had found. 
  Stanley is in all ways a weak and sad being dominated by the upper hand of the society. He met an enemy, who was Tyrell. Simply, Tyrell hindered him from getting the girl he loved. By finding the Mask, Stanley has reached the climax of the story. On the falling action, however, he realized being the Mask is not so great. It created personality discrepancy, so he handed the mask to Peggy. However, the falling action did not yet end, it would be a twist. Stanley would be put into jail, but the story wouldn’t end yet. As a side note, some great Faustian tales, such as Frankenstein, the character ended up suffering for the deed he so chosen. Back to the story, Stanley would find his way out of the jail, defeat the enemy, and throw the mask away. The falling action is separated into two parts. Although the animations are certain revolutionary, the unpredictable plot was what make it a symbolic film of the decade. 

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